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Peugeot Brand Case Study


Relaunch the Peugeot Brand in the U.S.


Key 1: Partnering with Oracle for targeting so precise that you eliminate competition.

There are at least 10 automotive brands competing in the $35,000 – $50,000 category.

The $35,000 to $50,000 U.S. Auto Segment

By conducting and analyzing 450 surveys and interviews across the Peugeot Sigma Clusters, Johnson Group & Oracle have identified a single cluster derived from the 3 original Peugeot Sigma Clusters that are most likely to convert to Peugeot.

The newly identified Peugeot Brand Lover cluster will choose Peugeot over any other brand
in that category, effectively eliminating the competition and allowing Peugeot to stand alone.

Key Characteristics of the Peugeot Brand Lover

As you can see below, the Newly Identified Peugeot Brand Lover cluster is significantly more
likely to consider purchasing a Peugeot
and has very strong French affinities compared to the
two other clusters identified in the survey.

Peugeot Brand Lovers are Ready to Purchase Peugeot Today

The Peugeot Brand Lover Cluster: QUANTIFIED

If Peugeot launched today in the U.S., the estimated number of Peugeot Brand Lovers actively
shopping for cars today, and most likely to purchase a Peugeot, is shown below.

Key 2: Positioning Peugeot Precisely for the Peugeot Brand Lover

The Key Elements of Johnson Group’s
Brand Positioning Statement are:

1. The extensive consumer input mined by Johnson Group & Oracle
from 450 quantitative and qualitative consumer surveys.

2. The proven Brand Positioning Statement Template shown below used by
Coke, Colgate Palmolive, Unilever and other major brands.

1. Especially for (Peugeot Brand Lover)
2. Peugeot is: (Category Frame of Reference)
3. And: (Peugeot Brand Metaphor)
4. That offers/provides: (Peugeot Brand Benefit)
5. (Meaningful Difference)

The Peugeot Brand Positioning Statement: CONSTRUCTION

1. The Peugeot (Brand Lover)

Therefore, The Peugeot Brand Lover can be described as:

Especially for: Urban tastemakers whose hearts are in France and who
express their individuality through unique design
(Brand Lover)

2. The Peugeot Category Frame of Reference

The Peugeot Brand Lover is surprised and impressed with
Peugeot’s breath of design.
Focus Group Comments:
“I now relate Peugeot to Apple. Because Apple is about slick stylish and very high tech.”

“Before, I thought Peugeot was only a car company.”

“To me Peugeot is a car brand. I did not realize they had watches and a piano…”

“Very interesting to learn that Peugeot has quite a range of design capabilities.”

“They can make something beautiful but also aerodynamic and efficient…”

”They need to let people know they do all this.”

“I agree. I didn’t realize they did so many things outside of the car industry.”

“I know the watches are very well regarded. I just never made the connection.”

Peugeot’s Category in the U.S. is not automobiles. Peugeot is a “Lifestyle Brand.” Therefore, The Peugeot Category and Category Frame of Reference is:

Peugeot is: The Paragon of French design Lifestyle Brand (Category Frame of Reference)

3. The Peugeot Brand Metaphor

The Lion is clearly and proudly Peugeot’s Brand Icon and the Peugeot Brand
Lover loves the lion iconography.
Focus Group Comments:
“Oooh. Your eye is drawn directly to the lion.”

“It’s very contemporary and sleek. Huge on scale but very pleasing.”

“King of the jungle. The car will be king of the road.”

“Very stylized designed but it looks very strong.”

“Represents power. Something very powerful.”

“It’s a bold, striking image.”

“Very clean design.”


“It’s going to be fast. It’s going to be a beast.”

The Peugeot Brand Lover is part of a unique “club” drawn together by their love of French Design. Therefore, the Peugeot Brand Metaphor is:

And: Pride du Lion (Brand Metaphor)

4. The Peugeot Brand Metaphor

• Again, uniqueness is the key.

• And, 91% of Brand Lovers rated Peugeot excellent or good at being “a car their
friends and neighbors would notice.”

• The Peugeot Brand Lover craves the opportunity to be asked about their unique
purchases and tell a story.

Therefore, The Peugeot Brand Benefit is:

That: Creates those “C’est Magnifique!” moments they love. (Brand Benefit)

The Peugeot Brand Positioning Statement: COMPLETE

Especially for: Urban tastemakers whose hearts are in France and who
express their individuality through unique design (Brand Lover)

Peugeot is: The Paragon of French design Lifestyle Brand

(Category Frame of Reference)

And: Pride du Lion (Brand Metaphor)
That: Creates those “C’est Magnifique!” moments they love. (Brand Benefit)

Peugeot Brand Video

Peugeot Brand Video Assets (Story Board)

“Traffic Jam” Reveal Video

Coffee Shop

“Garage” Teaser Video

“Liberty” Teaser Video
Peugeot Brand Experience Center

Peugeot Brand Website

IBM Watson Conversations Ad

Product Video Assets (Story Boards)



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